From Mike Zagrobelny:
Following election night I’ve had many thoughts and beginnings of statements regarding the outcome of November 5th and what it means in the long run for the St. Lawrence County Democratic Committee.
First, and most importantly is gratitude. I am grateful for the dozens of volunteers in St. Lawrence County who worked tirelessly for the last four months to promote Democratic values, our candidates, and causes. Along the way, new friendships and coalitions have been formed that will outlast any election cycle. I am grateful to our full-time employees and part-time poll workers at the St. Lawrence County Board of Elections who ensure that our elections are free and fair.
Here is what I know of the St. Lawrence County Democratic Committee:
We will not:
· Wallow in self-pity
· Take up arms against law enforcement and storm the United States Capitol
· Claim that our fellow citizens and the media stole the election
· Forget
We will:
· Continue to advocate for all people
· Peacefully express our grievances to the public and elected officials
· Call out the elected officials (regardless of political affiliation) for actions which contradict the values of the Democratic party or their own stated values
· Work diligently to recruit and elect community members to run for office at all levels to defeat incumbents and candidates (regardless of political affiliation) who do not govern in concordance with Democratic values or who endorse candidates who do not represent the values of the Democratic Committee
· Remember
Lastly, whether you like it or not, everyone is a lifelong learner. One of the many things I learned this week from Peter Brouwer (via Brené Brown) is that “Hope” is not technically an emotion. It is a cognitive process or way of thinking. I assert that the same is true of Hope’s best friends, “Faith” and “Love.” They are not things we feel, but a way of thinking and directly linked to goals and not unique to any nationality, culture, or religion. We have much work to do in 2025.
I have many goals for the future of the St. Lawrence County Democratic Committee, and I hope that you will join me guided by thoughts centered on Faith, Hope, and Love.

In Solidarity and Gratitude,
Mike Zagrobelny