Erin Straight, a former upstate NY resident from Wolcott who is now a data specialist, has created an interactive map showing federal funding for special education here in the NY 21st Congressional district. She writes, “As New York prepares for its upcoming congressional special election—one of the few nationwide this year—it’s crucial for NY-21 voters to understand the potential impact of recent Dept. of Education federal worker layoffs and anticipated funding cuts, especially concerning special education programs. You can explore how federal special education funding compares to local/state funding across schools in the NY-21 congressional district:
1. Select a school district from the dropdown menu below to view detailed funding information.
2. The funding breakdown will appear below, showing local/state and federal funding amounts for the 2022-2023 school year (latest available data).
3. Alternatively, you can click on any school district directly on the map to see detailed funding information for that school.
4. Zoom in or out of the map using the zoom controls to focus on specific areas.
Use this tool to see how reliant each school district in NY-21 is on federal support for providing special education programs. The interactive map allows constituents to either explore or select their nearest school from a drop-down menu and see exactly what is at stake if Republicans continue to allow the Department of Education to be gutted/allow expansive federal funding cuts.”

Here is a selection of schools in St. Lawrence County that are heavily or entirely federally funded (75%-100%):
· Canton Central School received $2,248,841 or 79.4%.
· Ogdensburg Central School received $4,108,189 or 91.2%.
· Parishville-Hopkinton Central School received $1,065,112 or 92.8%.
· Massena Central School received $7,321,300 or 94.2%.
· Madrid-Waddington Central School received $1,476,871 or 100%.
· Colton-Pierrepont Central received $695,245 or 90.5%.
· Gouverneur Central School received $4,417,683 or 85.8%.
Likewise, a selection of schools in St. Lawrence County that received significant federal funding (50%-75%):
· Potsdam Central School received $2,275,076 or 71.1%.
· Norwood-Norfolk Central School received $3,570,875 or 71.7%.
· Morristown Central School received $334,315 or 56.1%.